Choosing a Sugar Substitute

Stumbling across this article in the New York Times that discusses the safety concerns of the various sugar substitutes on the market,  I thought it might be something readers may be interested in discussing.
After reading the article (see the link below), it’s clear that drinking sugar-laced sodas and juices lead to weight gain. However, the jury is still out on what long-term effects sugar substitutes like, saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose, have on human health. Beyond the scientific molecular analysis of each substitute, I liked the advice at the end of the article: “The better solution to protect health: Eat and drink less sweet stuff.”
While I agree with this advice, the reality for many women is that it’s difficult to adhere to when experiencing hormonal shifts. Cravings set-in when we least expect them and, most often, we react and reach for a something sweet. Based on this article, reaching for a diet soda is not the worst answer short-term. Personally, I enjoy a diet coke now and then.  I try to steer clear on a regular basis because I experience symptoms of withdrawal such as headaches.
My go-to sugar substitute is honey because I enjoy the sweet taste and smooth consistency. The idea that there are natural remedy components that may help prevent cancer and heart disease, ease sore throat and cough, and some varieties contain probiotics. What are your go-to sugar substitutes?
ARTICLE LINK: Sugar Substitutes Doubts by the Teaspoonful, written by the Kenneth Chang at the New York Times.
“Despite decades of use and tests, many people have lingering concerns about the safety of the options available — mainly saccharin, aspartame and sucralose — with choices often based on hearsay, mythology and whim.”